Contact center

Reinventing the contact center

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they get to focus more on the conversation with the customer. The customer support agents at lekker Energy were bogged down with non-valuable tasks, struggling to keep up with customer demand. They started using $PD]RQ&RQQHFWWRVWUHDPOLQHDJHQWWDVNVZLWK capabilities like automated call routing, caller ID, and callbacks for customers on hold. This allowed them to increase the number of customers they supported to over 30,000 a month. And automating menial tasks ensured customers got through to the right agent faster, increasing the number of calls per agent by 8% to 10% through contact center innovations. Listen, Not Just Talk, to Your Customers There is an immense amount of valuable insight coming LQWRFRQWDFWFHQWHUVHYHU\GD\:HȴQGWKHPRVW successful companies listen—not just talk—to customers. We all intend to listen to our customers, but with troves of data across so many systems, this is really hard. Being able to quickly discover trends and patterns helps companies better understand their customers. More importantly, companies that take action on that knowledge can create a more positive customer experience, resulting in real business impact. For example, within a contact center, our customers turn customer sentiment, product feedback, and market trends into action by dynamically updating agent call scripts, automatically routing customers to the best agent and best solution, and sharing insights with other teams like sales and marketing to meet changing customer needs. A great example of this is Peraton, which brings a GLYHUVHVHWRIR΍HULQJVOLNHPLVVLRQVHUYLFHVGLJLWDO transformation, and enterprise operations to U.S. JRYHUQPHQWRUJDQL]DWLRQV$PD]RQ&RQQHFWȇVSRVWFDOO metrics, sentiment analysis, and trends alerts allow them to understand their customer better and provide superior, proactive service. And ML-powered, real-time capabilities allow them to detect customer experience issues during live calls so supervisors can take action to SURYLGHLPPHGLDWHVXSSRUWDQGLPSURYHWKHȴUVWFDOO resolution rate by 25%, while reducing overall volume and costs by 5%. Move From Cost Center to Innovation Center *LYHQWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIDFRPSDQ\ȇVFRQWDFWFHQWHULWȇV no surprise leaders are moving away from thinking of it only as a cost center to a solution for customer success DQGDGGHGUHYHQXH:HDFWXDOO\ȴQGFRPSDQLHVFDQ have it both ways. With our usage-based pricing, FRPSDQLHVGRQȇWKDYHWRPDNHXSIURQWFRPPLWPHQWV EDVHGRQSHDNWHDPVL]HV$QGZLWKHPEHGGHG$ΖDQG ML, companies can constantly be experimenting and improving their customer experience. A company that has been able to cut costs while LQQRYDWLQJLV$UH0HGLD$XVWUDOLDDQG1HZ=HDODQGȇV leading multichannel publisher. With their previous on- premises contact center, they were paying for annual licenses for every new agent and feature they HQDEOHG PDNLQJLWGLɝFXOWWRVFDOHDQGLQQRYDWH8VLQJ$PD]RQ &RQQHFWWKH\ZHUHDEOHWRVWDQGXSDFRQWDFWcenter, add multiple queues and agents, and start accepting calls in under one hour. Are Media estimates WKDWZLWK $PD]RQ&RQQHFWWKH\DUHVDYLQJYHUVXVany other cloud contact center provider, while gaining the ability to innovate with AI and ML. AWS customers are as obsessed with customer H[SHULHQFHDVZHDUHDW$PD]RQ:HUHLQYHQWHGFRQWDFW center technology for our own business, brought it to RXUFXVWRPHUVDQGZHKDYHQȇWVWRSSHGUHLQYHQWLQJ:H learn from our customers every day and will continue to innovate so our customers can provide superior customer experiences at a lower cost. 5PMFBSONPSFBCPVU"NB[PO$POOFDU"84T DMPVEDPOUBDUDFOUFSTPMVUJPO click here. Contact Center in the Cloud Wall Street Journal Custom Content is a unit of the Wall Street Journal Advertising Department. The Wall Street Journal news organization was not involved in the creation of this content.

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