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Amazon Connect thrives at five - A case for the omnichannel CCaaS offering

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Amazon Connect thrives at five: A case for the omnichannel CCaaS offering 4 Citation policy Request external citation and usage of Omdia research and data via Omdia consulting We hope that this analysis will help you make informed and imaginative business decisions. If you have further requirements, Omdia's consulting team may be able to help you. For more information about Omdia's consulting capabilities, please contact us directly at Copyright notice and disclaimer The Omdia research, data and information referenced herein (the "Omdia Materials") are the copyrighted property of Informa Tech and its subsidiaries or affiliates (together "Informa Tech") or its third party data providers and represent data, research, opinions, or viewpoints published by Informa Tech, and are not representations of fact. The Omdia Materials reflect information and opinions from the original publication date and not from the date of this document. The information and opinions expressed in the Omdia Materials are subject to change without notice and Informa Tech does not have any duty or responsibility to update the Omdia Materials or this publication as a result. Omdia Materials are delivered on an "as-is" and "as-available" basis. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the fairness, accuracy, completeness, or correctness of the information, opinions, and conclusions contained in Omdia Materials. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Informa Tech and its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, and third party data providers disclaim any liability (including, without limitation, any liability arising from fault or negligence) as to the accuracy or completeness or use of the Omdia Materials. Informa Tech will not, under any circumstance whatsoever, be liable for any trading, investment, commercial, or other decisions based on or made in reliance of the Omdia Materials. CONTACT US

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