Use Case

Sync Automation Monitoring Use Case - 2022

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2022 USE CASE Wireless Pressure Monitoring Improves Productivity and Reduces Downtime and Costs BACKGROUND A petrochemical facility in the Gulf Coast, USA wanted to increase the visibility and productivity within their plastics facility by continuously monitoring the quality of catalyst totes during production while reducing downtime and maintenance costs. Until then, the facility was only collecting pressure level data once a week. The customer wanted to monitor the positive level measurement as totes were moving through the facility and ensure that no moisture got in. Continuously monitoring moisture levels throughout production is critical as it ensures the quality of finished products. PROJECT DETAILS Sync Automation deployed the LoRaWAN ® network by installing a single MultiTech Conduit 300 Gateway in a concrete, explosion-proof control room. The gateway provides excellent signal strength to all IoT sensors across the facility. The Inductive Automation's Ignition Edge and the Cirrus Link MQTT Transmitter Module ensure efficient backhaul of all data to the SiteSync platform. SiteSync IIoT Cloud Platform RESULTS Plant operators can monitor trend data 24/7 based on decoded MQTT backhauled data, with SMS or email alerts in case of any problem. The LoRaWAN ® solution has decreased downtime and improved the quality of products. Sync Automation is leveraging the data to deploy unique cloud applications and improve the process. After the PoC, the customer has added Sushi Temperature Sensors to monitor the temperature of 18-wheeler refrigerated trailers that drive to site, with additional valve monitoring and GPS locators being discussed. The LoRaWAN ® network can scale to 1,000 + sensors. SOLUTION Sync Automation is an IIoT integrator providing packaged scalable wireless solutions with low-cost maintenance to industrial enterprise customers throughout North America. It deployed a LoRaWAN ® network with 105 LoRaWAN © Yokogawa Sushi Pressure Sensors across the plastics facility. The IoT sensors provide continuous monitoring of pressure levels 24/7 across the whole plant. Real-time SMS and email alerts of critical data are sent to site operators by via the SiteSync IIoT cloud platform for action and alarms. Sushi Sensors provide a low-cost, continuous monitoring solution, with a battery life of up to four years (based on one update per minute), reducing downtime and costs. SiteSync brings stranded assets and manual measurements into a central source of truth for data visualization, alarming, and advanced AI analysis. Smart Industry North America Partnership Solutions Provider COMPANY CONTACT INFO Sync Automation, Louisiana - USA

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