
TR011-1.0.0 Architecture and Requirements of LoRaWAN Testbed with IPv6 Adaptation for DLMS UA

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LoRaWAN® Testbed with IPv6 for DLMS UA TR011-1.0.0 ©2022 LoRa Alliance® Page 2 of 12 The authors reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Technical Recommendations for Architecture and Requirements of LoRaWAN® Testbed with IPv6 Adaptation Layer for DLMS UA Certification TR011-1.0.0 Authored by the SCHC Certification Task Force of the LoRa Alliance Technical Committee Chair and Vice-Chair: A. YEGIN (Actility), O. SELLER (Semtech) Working Group Chair: R. DEMERLE (Semtech) Editor: H. AL HAJ HASSAN (Acklio), L. TOUTAIN (IMT Atlantique), R. DEMERLE (Semtech) Contributors (in alphabetical order): H. AL HAJ HASSAN (Acklio), D. BARTHEL (Orange), D. BARTOLOME (Dekra), N. BHASKARAN (Spirespark), R. DEMERLE (Semtech), P. DUFFY (Cisco), D. KJENDAL (Senet), M. LUIS (Semtech), I. MARTINEZ (IMT Atlantique), A. PELOV (Acklio), I. DE LA TORRE (IMST), L. TOUTAIN (IMT Atlantique), A. YEGIN (Actility) Version: 1.0.0 Date: December 2022 Status: FINAL

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