SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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FIRST IMPRESSIONS A VIEW OF THE LEGENDARY MICKEY THOMPSON THROUGH THE EYES OF SAL FISH BY DAN SANCHEZ This 50th Anniversary Special Section showcases SCORE International's history, events, and great moments in SCORE Baja RacingHistory, and will be ongoing throughout the 2023 calendar year. A s we begin a year of celebrating the 50th Anniversary of SCORE International, it's common knowledge that this racing organization began with an opportunity presented to automotive innovator, racer, and businessman, Mickey Thompson. In 1973, the Mexican Government approached Thompson to take over the organization of the Mexican 1000 race, and SCORE International began. It was no fluke, however, that Thompson was the right person for this task. He had already made headlines by breaking the 400 mph land-speed barrier, competing in both the Pan American Road Race and the NORRA Mexican 1000, as well as winning national drag races, setting speed and endurance records, and innovating racing safety and automotive components. These were all things that the press and the automotive racing industry gravitated to, putting Thompson in the spotlight. 50TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL SECTION PART 1 SCORE JOURNAL 79

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