SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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NEW PRODUCTS. GARMIN TREAD XL- BAJA SERIES Garmin now has a high- performance navigation system specifically designed for Baja racers and chase teams. The Baja Tread XL- Baja Race and Tread XL – Baja Chase feature large, 10- inch navigation screens that are race-glove-friendly, and feature high-visibility touchscreens with options for push-button control. According to Garmin, they are ruggedly constructed to withstand hot desert temperatures, challenging terrain and have an IP67 rating to resist dust and water. The navigation systems also feature inReach® technology providing team tracking with global satellite coverage, allowing race vehicles and chase trucks to message and track each other with live position updates. Team tracking requires an active inReach® Flex Team subscription. Team members can easily import GPX files to view a course's start and finish, racetrack line, virtual checkpoints, pit locations, race mile markers and even add their own custom pacenotes to the course file. With downloadable, high-resolution Birdseye Satellite Imagery, drivers can also see high-resolution aerial views of their surroundings, helping them get a clear lay of the land. For more information, visit SCORE JOURNAL 86

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