A new movement is happening in the
potato industry: simplifying the potato
genome. Growers around the country
have experienced the effects of unpre-
dictable weather, which impacts produc-
tion and profitability, and consumers
continually shift their wants, requiring
changes from potato processors.
These uncontrollable factors explain
why breeding is important. The industry
has a team of 11 individuals from seven
institutions and USDA's Agricultural
Research Service (ARS), dedicated to
increasing the likelihood of genetic im-
provement through a project known as
Potato 2.0, and education about diploids
to increase the likelihood of grower
Genetics are largely responsible for
the breeding difficulties associated
with potatoes. While many crops hold
two copies of chromosomes, pota-
toes astoundingly contain four copies,
disrupting what most people know and
understand about the fundamentals of
genetics. The additional set of chro-
"Challenging misconceptions is always difficult, but this
does not deter the team from making
diploids a reality."
The Future of Diploid Potatoes
Moving from 4 to 2 chromosomes
Potatoes USA
By Alyssa Green
Research Communications
Photo by European-seed.com