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2023 USE CASE Seeed Studio Delivers Ultra- Local Weather Data with LoRaWAN BETTER PLANNING WITH REAL-TIME INSIGHTS AND LoRaWAN In outdoor urban areas, such as city farms, parks, schools and golf courses, localized weather data is increasingly in demand to help analyze weather conditions so users can better plan activities. To address this need, Seeed Studio developed the SenseCAP LoRaWAN -enabled S2120 Weather Station. The low-cost weather station provides a range of accurate real- time weather data with low maintenance and reliable performance. It uses LoRaWAN to transfer data across existing networks. This enables users without an extensive IT team to access relevant and important weather data from their local area via a simple PC or smartphone app. BRINGING DATA TO LIFE AT SCHOOLS Seeed Studio's SenseCAP S2120 Weather Station is used by a number of schools to bring weather data and data analysis to life by logging weather conditions at the school. Students can see the data in the SenseCAP Mate App and share data with other schools in different areas of the world. Other applications for the solution include forecasting for weather enthusiasts and detailed weather information for urban farms, golf courses, community gardens, parks and other smart city scenarios. THE SENSECAP WEATHER STATION The SenseCAP S2120 Weather Station collects data on a range of parameters, from air temperature and humidity to wind speed, rainfall and light intensity. • Simple Bluetooth OTA configuration and remote management via the SenseCAP Mate App. • Easily integrates with existing worldwide LoRaWAN networks, including Helium, LORIOT, Chirpstack and SenseCAP. • Users can choose their preferred server to build different applications, with templates/plugins and timely support from Seeed Studio. • Powered by a 0.5W solar panel and standard 1.5V AA dry batteries with up to 2 years' service life. The company chose LoRaWAN due to its low power consumption, long transmission range and wide coverage. Smart Cities Device COMPANY CONTACT INFO Shuyang Zhou at