Private Client Specific Docs

Randstad Workmonitor 2023

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Back to the overview united states. attitude • I wouldn't accept a job if I thought it would negatively affect my work-life balance — 58% (61% global) 48% would quit a job if it was preventing them from enjoying their life (48% global) • I have quit a job because of a toxic workplace — 34% (34% global) • I have quit a job because of a lack of advancement opportunities — 30% (30% global) • I have quit a job because it didn't fit in with my personal life — 30% (33% global) • I have "quietly quit" a job — 29% (31% global) • Importance of work in your life — 70% (72% global) security 27% are worried about losing their job (37% global) • I feel confident that if I were to lose my job, I could find a new one quickly — 56% (50% global) • I am worried about the impact of economic uncertainty on my job security — 42% (52% global) • I wouldn't accept a job if it didn't provide job security — 61% (63% global) • Importance of job security — 89% (92% global) • My job provides me with security — 89% (86% global) • I have taken on/am looking to take on a second role to help with rising cost of living — 23% (25% global) • I have/am planning to increase my hours at my current job to help with rising cost of living — 20% (23% global) belonging • I would quit a job if I didn't feel like I belonged there — 51% (54% global) • Importance of an employer's values and purpose — 78% (77% global) • I wouldn't accept a job with a business that doesn't align with my values on social and environmental issues — 40% (42% global) 78% feel that their employer's values and purpose align with their own (e.g., sustainability, diversity, transparency) (73% global) • My job gives me a sense of purpose — 61% (57% global) expectations • Actions employees would want from employers in the context of the changing economic landscape: • An increase in salary outside of the usual cadence of annual pay reviews — 43% (39% global) • A monthly cost of living pay boost — 39% (41% global) • Subsidies for the cost of energy, travel or other daily expenses — 18% (28% global) • My employer is helping me deal with the increased cost of living — 55% (49% global) 62% agree that their job provides flexibility in terms of working hours (57% global) • My job provides flexibility in terms of location — 58% (51% global) • I have quit a job because it didn't provide enough flexibility — 28% (27% global) • I wouldn't accept a job if it didn't provide flexibility around where I work — 42% (40% global) • I wouldn't accept a job if it didn't provide flexibility around my working hours — 45% (45% global) unretirement • I am planning to delay my retirement to help with the rising cost of living — 25% (18% global) • 45% think they'll be able to retire before 65 (51% global) • 72% say that their financial position is preventing them from retiring as early as they want (70% global) 34% say they need work in their lives and that's why they are delaying retirement (32% global) • What are the factors that prevent you from retiring as early as you want: • I feel my employer needs me — 13% (12% global) • I'm waiting for a specific milestone — 15% (17% global) • I don't want to retire — 7% (6% global) 62% agree that their job provides flexibility in terms of working hours (57% global) foreword about the survey key findings global themes looking ahead appendix workmonitor 2023 89 appendix

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