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Talent Solutions – Latin America Q4 2022 | 50 v ▪ Y y f N v b '22 was 7.32% ▪ Although wage growth figures are not available, minimum wages were increased by 20% in mid-2021. 2 2 2 y 2 y ▪ Constitution has principle of equal pay for equal work and Labor code includes Anti-discrimination laws. ▪ Since 2015, the Gender Equality Seal has recognized workplaces that promote equality. ▪ In 2018, average salaries of women in the formal sector were 1.5% less than men. ▪ Employment quotas for people with disabilities. Restrictions on hiring foreigners. Latest Available Data Q4 2022 2021 Total Labor Force (000s) 2,932 2,918 Employed Workers (000s) 2,747 2,716 Unemployed Workers (000s) 185 201 Unemployment Rate 6.3% 6.9% 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 ▪ Since 2000, the Working Age Population (15-64 years) has increased by 23%. Population in Thousands International Monetary Fund * Estimate Work Force Statistics Workforce Participation Rate by Age and Gender Inflation and Wage Growth Gender Equity and Inclusion Gender Gap Scores Compared to Region Year on year GDP Growth (%) ILOSTAT World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report 2022 Evolution of the Key Working Age Population over Time ILOSTAT El Salvador