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Talent Solutions – Latin America Q4 2022 | 56 ▪ Y y f N v b '22 was 8.45% ▪ Year on year wage growth as at Q2 2022 was 7.3% 2 2 2 2 2 ▪ Equal pay law and laws for Anti-discrimination in employment. ▪ Employers must maintain a table of job functions and associated salary policy. ▪ People with Disabilities should make up at least 3% of workforce in larger companies. Restrictions on hiring foreigners. ▪ OECD estimate that gender pay gap of full time female is 17%. Latest Available Data Q4 2022 2021 Total Labor Force (000s) 19,445 18,445 Employed Workers (000s) 17,967 16,674 Unemployed Workers (000s) 1,478 1,771 Unemployment Rate 7.6% 9.6% 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 ▪ Since 2000, the Working Age Population (15-64 years) has increased by 40%. Population in Thousands International Monetary Fund * Estimate Work Force Statistics Workforce Participation Rate by Age and Gender Inflation and Wage Growth Gender Equity and Inclusion Gender Gap Scores Compared to Region Year on year GDP Growth (%) ILOSTAT World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report 2022 Evolution of the Key Working Age Population over Time ILOSTAT Peru