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TWTG Shell Case Study 2023

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2023 CASE STUDY Shell and TWTG Reduce Downtime and Improve Safety with LoRaWAN ® Condition-Based Monitoring SITUATION Shell plc is a leading global energy company in the exploration, production, refining and marketing of oil and natural gas, and the manufacturing and marketing of chemicals in 70 countries with 10 refineries. Each refinery has thousands of rotating machines, including pumps, that are used regularly but do not provide clear or timely information about their health status. Rotating equipment is generally inspected once a month to verify that assets are correctly functioning. The vibration behaviour of pumps indicates any deviation from an 'ideal' behaviour. Regular manual inspections offer limited information and there is a risk of major issues occurring between inspections. Shell has tested several vibration sensors and piloted various systems to overcome this challenge for the HEFA project at Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rotterdam, a new 820,000 tons-a-year biofuels facility and one of the largest in Europe to produce Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and biofuels. Smart Industry Europe Device Maker SOLUTION Shell selected TWTG's NEON LoRaWAN ® Vibration Sensors for their design and measurement accuracy after co-designing the sensors with IIoT hardware manufacturer TWTG. The new HEFA project will be equipped with 2,500 IECEx/ATEX Zone 1 certified IIoT NEON Vibration Sensors. COMPANY CONTACT INFO TWTG, Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Email: SOLUTION (CONTINUED) LoRaWAN ® was selected by Shell and TWTG as the most appropriate networking technology to make the Internet of Things a reality at refinery sites. IoT NEON wireless sensors provide vibration pump behaviour information directly after installation. Instead of getting data once a month, operations teams now receive continuous monitoring. This helps understand any deviations from the ideal pump behaviour. NEON Vibration sensors send alerts to maintenance engineers as soon as pumps or any other rotating assets start to fail. This sets off a trigger when a change of amplitude is detected in the vibration spectrum or when outliers in the data occur. An engineer is alerted to check on the faulty asset to prevent it from further failure or long- term damage, saving costs and unplanned downtime costs. BENEFITS Thanks to NEON Vibration Sensors, assets are monitored around the clock, making continuous monitoring economically feasible. LoRaWAN ® Sensors improve operational safety and efficiency and reduce downtime overall. In 2022, TWTG secured with Shell a global enterprise framework agreement to supply the SolidRed NEON Vibration application, integrating with Shell's Sensor Intelligence Platform to provide rich data and insights including spectrum analysis data for improved preventative maintenance. Rotating equipment engineers get clear indicators of possible wear or damage, far in advance of any actual loss in performance or potential failure.

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