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NetID FAQ 1. What is NetID? NetID is a 24-bit value used for identifying LoRaWAN networks. It is assigned by the LoRa Alliance. It is used by networks for assigning network-specific addresses to their end-devices (i.e., DevAddr) so that uplink frames sent by those devices even when they are roaming outside their home network can be forwarded to their home network. 2. Do I need a NetID assigned by the LoRa Alliance? You need to have a NetID if you are operating a LoRaWAN network and you are collaborating with the other networks (i.e., supporting roaming). If you have a non-collaborating network, then you can use the 0x000000 or 0x000001 NetID values. These values are reserved and can be used by any LoRaWAN network that does not have an assigned NetID. 3. How do I get a NetID assigned? NetIDs are assigned by the LoRa Alliance to its members. To qualify for a NetID, please be sure to satisfy all of the conditions described in the LoRa Alliance ® Member NetID Policy and Terms before applying for a NetID. The application process is initiated by sending an email to netid@lora- alliance.org. NetID assignments for LoRa Alliance members are tied to your membership tier. Therefore, an assignee must keep its membership active in order to keep using the NetID(s). Expired membership, or a change in membership level would lead to a change in NetID status. As outlined below, non- members may apply for a specific type of NetID on an annual fee basis. 4. What is the relationship between the NetIDs and the LoRa Alliance membership level? There are different types of NetIDs (Types 0 through 7), which differ based on the size of end-device address space they support (see LoRaWAN® Backend Interfaces Specification v1.1.0 for details). Currently Sponsor members are eligible for one Type 0 and one Type 3 NetID, contributor members are eligible for one Type 3 and one Type 6 NetID, and adopter and institutional members are eligible for one Type 6 NetID. The grant of Types 0, 3, and 6 NetIDs to members according to membership level is a membership benefit with no additional fee. Members of LoRa Alliance at all membership levels are additionally eligible

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