Minnesota Hockey Journal

March 2023

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Page 28 of 33

by Michael Russo Russo's Rants Oettinger, or "Otter" as he is affectionately known, sports his new mask for the 2022-23 season featuring a golfing otter and the USA Hockey crest. M A R C H 2 0 2 3 | M H J ON L I N E . C O M 29 Photos / Getty Images and the Oettinger Family Star STRUCK Lakeville's Jake Oettinger is savoring the spotlight and inspiring young Minnesota goaltenders coming to the game, dropped a boatload of money on tickets and wanted to put on a show. But first things first, Oettinger, the budding star and well on his way even at the young age of 24 to becoming one of the best Minnesota-born goaltenders in NHL history, wanted to show his teammates just how he walked into the arena during his freshman year at Lakeville North for the boys' state hock- ey tournament. "I was telling all the guys, 'We were walking in through that walkway and this is where the Expo is,'" Oettinger said, laughing. "I'm telling them all about the tourney and stuff and t was Jake Oettinger's home- coming game at Xcel Energy Center a few days before the calendar turned to 2023, and the Lakeville native couldn't have been more excited. The Dallas Stars netminder had 40 friends and family members I P R E S E N T E D B Y

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