Minnesota Hockey Journal

March 2023

Issue link: https://read.uberflip.com/i/1494048

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Page 3 of 33

Goals & Assists 04 04 M H J ON L I N E . C O M | M A R C H 2 0 2 3 There's no better place on earth to develop Division I women's hockey players. Data from the 2022-23 season shows Minnesota is once again No. 1. PHOTO BOOTH A League of Their Own Minnesotans dominate the Division I women's hockey landscape SKYLAR VETTER (Minnesota/Lakeville) TOP 5 STATES PRODUCING DIVISION I WOMEN'S HOCKEY PLAYERS MINN. 106 MASS. 59 N.Y. 44 MICH. 40 ILL. TAYLOR NELSON (Bemidji State/Carlton) PAETYN LEVIS (Ohio State/Rogers) TOTAL AMERICAN DIVISION I WOMEN'S HOCKEY PLAYERS: 1 in 3 American D-I Women Come From Minnesota (222) 675 Skylar Vetter has been named a semifinalist for the 2023 Women's Hockey Goalie of the Year Award. 222 (THAT'S MORE THAN Mass., N.Y., and Ill. combined.)

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