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AWS Global Digital Skills Study

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AWS Global Digital Skills Study  | The economic benefits of a tech-savvy workforce Conjoint Programmer: Create two candidate profiles (A and B). Randomly assign six themes to each respondent and randomly assign one attribute from each theme to each candidate. Theme Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Experience Less than one year of experience working in a tech job 5 years of experience working in a tech job 10 years of experience working in a tech job Education Did not complete a tertiary degree Holds tertiary degree in non- computer science field (e.g., bachelor's degree) Holds tertiary degree in computer science (e.g., bachelor's degree) Recommendation The candidate's reference letters recommend hiring The candidate's reference letters enthusiastically recommend hiring and are from well-respected sources Prestige of schooling The candidate attended a very prestigious school The candidate's school does not have a reputation for excellence Certification The candidate does not have a digital skills/information technology certification The candidate has a digital skills/ information technology certification Foreign status The candidate was born in this country The candidate was born in another country Gender The candidate is a woman The candidate is a man Age The candidate is 30 years old The candidate is 45 years old Training The candidate worked under an experienced mentor who provided on-the-job-training in digital skills The candidate's digital skills were mostly self-taught Copyright © 2022 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. AWS_dsrprt_092922_kr 26

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