Use Case

TEKTELIC Enabling Smart City IoT with Smart Street Lighting

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A Creative Way to Enable Smart City IoT with LoRaWAN For Street Lights SITUATION Smart city infrastructure requires a holistic approach that considers the inter-dependencies among different sectors and stakeholders. It also requires a robust data infrastructure that enables the collection, analysis, and sharing of data across various platforms. By investing in smart city infrastructure development and monitoring, cities can leverage technology to address their most pressing challenges while also enhancing their sustainability and resilience. BENEFITS Deploying gateways for LoRaWAN in street lighting infrastructure provides a dense 2-km network radius of coverage, with simple and cost-efficient deployment. The KONA Micro Gateways also provide deep penetration coverage characteristics, which allows for smooth data transfer in dense urban areas. 2023 USE CASE SOLUTION Felicity and TEKTELIC Communications have partnered to deploy TEKTELIC's KONA Micro Gateways into available streetlighting fixtures. The solution utilizes LoRaWAN® coverage to ensure data can be gathered cost-effectively and optimally when needed. KONA Micro Gateways provide reliable 'always on' connectivity thanks to an integrated battery backup. This reassures Felicity and its clients that data will continue to be collected, even in the event of a power outage. The gateways are also designed to help customers achieve the lowest total cost of ownership with carrier-grade performance and high scalability. CHALLENGE When it comes to implementing gateways for LoRaWAN in smart city street lighting, one of the main challenges for cities is how to ensure reliable and cost-effective connectivity for a wide range of applications. Another challenge is how to manage smart city IoT solutions. Cities need a platform that can enable remote monitoring, device control, data analytics, and data visualization. COMPANY CONTACT INFO TEKTELIC Communications, Calgary AB, Canada: Email: Felicity, Australia: Smart Cities Smart Lighting Gateway

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