Potato Grower

June 2023 Potato Grower

Issue link: https://read.uberflip.com/i/1500787

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P R O U D LY M A D E I N T H E U S A PREV-AM is a proprietary trademark of Oro Agri Inc. Always read and follow label directions. The technology behind this 3-in-1 knockdown pesticide is upending traditional thinking. Control insects, diseases and mites while virtually eliminating the chance of resistance build-up. PREV-AM's contact mode of action provides quick knockdown of pests and diseases with no restriction on the number of applications allowed during the season. Used alone or as an additional application in your spray rotation, PREV-AM is a powerful tool that today's grower can trust. Learn more about all the benefits of PREV-AM broad-spectrum contact 3-in-1 insecticide, fungicide and miticide at OroAgriNorthAmerica.com INSECTICIDE FUNGICIDE MITICIDE

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