NextGen Infrastructure - eBook (EN)

Delivering price performance advantages with AWS silicon innovation

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CONCLUSION Bringing it all together AWS custom silicon: The "secret sauce" of innovation Over the last decade, the cloud has transformed the way organizations innovate. Now, AWS continues to transform the silicon industry to help you conquer the challenges of today's workload demands and deliver on the ever-evolving expectations of your customers. With custom silicon built for performance and scalability—AWS Nitro System, AWS Graviton, AWS Inferentia, AWS Trainium, and AWS Nitro SSD—AWS is helping drive next-generation innovation by enabling customers to run even more applications in the cloud while realizing value from unmatched price performance, better security, and energy efficiency. No other cloud has the expertise and experience building custom silicon like AWS. Learn how your organization can lead the future of innovation and how AWS can make it possible. 2023, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Learn more about AWS silicon innovation › 15

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