NextGen Infrastructure - eBook (EN)

Maximizing application security in the era of everything cloud

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Next steps The solutions described in this eBook allow you to centrally enable a security baseline across your organization and consistently enforce protections even as new applications are created. You will be able to manage your security posture across your AWS accounts centrally, and you will be free to scale with customer demand without increasing security complexity. Deploying AWS Network and Application Protection services not only helps protect your users, applications, and data—it can also lead to measurably better business outcomes. With enhanced security, you can conduct business with greater agility, improve customer experience, innovate with confidence—and launch new products and services faster. In short, AWS provides your organization with the tools you need to deliver a better security posture at the edge. Learn more about AWS Network and Application Protection services › 2023, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 8

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