
Errata CR - US915 and AU915 ChMaskCtrl Contradiction

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US915 and AU915 ChMaskCtrl ContradictionThe LoRa Alliance © 2021 1 CHANGE REQUEST LoRaWAN Regional Parameters Specification version 1.0.4 Reference doc. ID RP002 causeway doc nb CR Title: • US915 and AU915 ChMaskCtrl Contradiction • Revision 2 starts from 1 Source: David Tholl (Tektelic Communications Inc.) Topic or Working Group: RPWG Date: 2023-05-08 Category: E E (errata) F (correction) A (corresponds to a correction in an earlier release) B (feature addition) C (functional modification of a feature) D (editorial modification / clarification) Reason for change: RP002-1.0.4 introduced a contradiction in the use of ChMaskCtrl=5 whereby the use of bit 8 contradicted the definition of blocks of channels (defined as 8 narrowband + 1 wideband channel). This Errata addresses the contradiction. Summary of change: Mark bit 8 as RFU thereby removing the contradiction. This is backwards compatible with previous versions of RP002. Clauses affected: Sections 1.3.2 (summary table) plus 2.5.5 and 2.8.5 Affected clauses with impact on certification test: 2.5.5 and 2.8.5 As previously published this contradiction prevented valid test cases from being created. please note whether clause modification leads to (new) or (modified) test Other deliverables N/A

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