AWS Industry Forum

Harnessing the power of Smart Stores

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Born from Retail, Built for Retailers AWS was born from running one of the largest, most successful retailers in the world. With our Smart Store offerings, we share that experience with retailers worldwide. When you add intelligence to your stores, you'll reap the benefits of happier customers and increased sales. Find out how AWS and our extensive industry partner network can support your retail transformation. Learn more at and contact AWS today to get started. AWS Retail Competency Partners provide innovative technology offerings that accelerate retailers' modernization and innovation journey across all areas in the enterprise. These include Customer Engagement, Supply Chain and Distribution, Physical, Digital, and Virtual Store, Advanced Retail Data Science, and Core Retail Business Applications. AWS Retail Competency Partners offer strategy and deployment services to retailers, to help accelerate their digital transformation. Find AWS Retail Competency Partners › Transform Customer Experience - Shoppers want more from their store experience. With AWS Smart Store capabilities, you leverage next-gen technologies to help customers find the right products faster and enjoy super-fast checkouts in healthy and safe stores. Innovate Faster - The faster your business moves, the more ideas you can try out. Our large and growing set of AWS Smart Store capabilities helps you innovate and experiment quickly, so you find winning ideas faster and drive the outcomes your business needs. Scale Quickly to Meet Demand - Retailers deal with vast amounts of data across many stores and systems. AWS can extrapolate that data into intelligent insights to inform better decision-making. When your innovations succeed—and demand surges—AWS helps you scale them quickly. Optimize Your Technology Investments - When your IT applications work together as one, you multiply the power of your investments. AWS Smart Store offerings allow you to seamlessly combine data and resources from across your business, helping you streamline costs and accelerate innovation. Harnessing the power of Smart Stores 20

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