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Talent Solutions - North America QMR Q2 2023 | 78 Canada ▪ 22% of the Labor Force is 55 years+ ▪ 1 in 20 workers is 65 years+ ▪ Retirement age ▪ 65 years ▪ Compared to Q1 2019, the number of participants in the Labor force has increased in all age categories except 45-54 years. The over 65 years experienced the largest percentage increase at 12%. Latest Available Data Q2 2023 Total Labor Force (000s) 21,036 Employed Workers (000s) 19,942 Unemployed Workers (000s) 1,094 Unemployment Rate 5.2% Hiring Demand Trend by Job Function Hiring Demand Trend For Vacancies Workforce Statistics Labor Force Participation Rates by Age and Sex Age Profile of Labor Force Number of Participants in Labor Force By Age (000s) Unemployment Rate by Industry TalentNeuron ILOSTAT