
Get Smart with your Cold Chain Monitoring How LoRaWAN® Wireless Monitoring Ensure Food Safety & Meet ESG Goals

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LoRaWAN ® LIVE Digital Information Temperature Management Platform 17 1 2 3 4 Abnormal temperature case - Wireless temperature sensor receives/detects temperature of the ref rigerator Action - Relevant store/station personnel go to the scene to deal w ith it Correction - To record and root cause and f ix it Abnormal (alarm): the temperature has exceeded the critical settings • Forgot to close the freezer door? • Compressor failure and needs to repair arrangement? • Thermostat adjustment failure? Alarm - SaaS, the cloud digital inf ormation management platf orm automatically sends alarm notif ications to PIC (Person in charge) Alarm (warning): the temperature is about to exceed the critical settings

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