Minnesota Hockey Journal

November/December 2023

Issue link: https://read.uberflip.com/i/1511424

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N O V. / D E C . 2 0 2 3 | M H J ON L I N E . C O M 09 DICK'S HOUSE OF SPORT: YOUR WINTER HOCKEY DESTINATION IN MINNETONKA! Hockey fanatics, get ready for the ultimate winter experience at DICK'S House of Sport in Minnetonka. Our ice rink returns this mid-Novem- ber, offering a playground for hockey players and fans alike. Ice Rink Rentals: Elevate your hockey skills with private ice time, ideal for practice, drills, competitive games, and team bonding. Birthday Parties: Host hockey-themed celebrations with skating, games, and more, creating memorable moments for your young hockey star. FREE Open Skate: Enjoy the pure joy of glid- ing on ice with friends and family. Winter Events: Don't miss our hock- ey-themed open skate sessions and the exciting "Skate with Santa" event. Hockey Gear and Skate Sharpening: Explore our top-notch hockey equipment and expert skate sharpening services. Join us in embracing winter magic at DICK'S House of Sport. Get all the details and updates at d.sg/HOSIceRink. Sign up for the One-Timers weekly e-newsletter at mhjonline.com and click the One-timers banner NE TIMERS MUS T RE AD S T O RIE S FRO M THE E D IT O RS O F MIN N E SOTA HO CKEY JOURNAL W E E K LY H O C K E Y E M A I L N E W S L E T T E R Sign up for the One-Timers weekly e-newsletter W E E K LY H O C K E Y E M A I L N E W S L E T T E R THE TOP 5 WEEKLY HOCKEY NEWS BITES DELIVERED DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX!

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