Visit Savannah and Visit Tybee Island

2024 Savannah and Tybee Island Insider Guide

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© G E O F F L J O H N S O N P H O T O G R A P H Y Scan to dive deeper into Savannah's Black Heritage Experience, watch videos and listen to podcasts. GULLAH-GEECHEE ROOTS The rich history of Savannah includes Gullah-Geechee roots that date back to the 1700s when enslaved West Africans were brought to coastal Georgia. Gullah refers to descendants of the West African rice coast who were enslaved and brought to America. It also refers to the descendants of Black people who settled in Southeastern coastal areas after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued in 1862. Some say Geechee refers to Gullah people who lived near the Ogeechee River south of Savannah and whose possible origins trace back to the Kizzi tribe, from the same regions as the Gola in present-day Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. Gullah-Geechee culture shows more African infl uences than any other long-established American population. Today, Gullah-Geechee communi- ties like Pin Point, on the outskirts of Savannah, continue to practice many cultural traditions of their ancestors. Located in the old A.S. Varn & Son Oyster and Crab Factory, the Pin Point Heritage Museum offers a chance to experience Gullah-Geechee culture fi rsthand. For nearly 100 years, the community of Pin Point was quietly isolated on the banks of the Moon River just south of Savannah. Founded in 1890 by formerly enslaved people, this Gullah-Geechee community is now believed to be the largest Black-owned waterfront property on the East Coast. Now, you can explore the refurbished cannery complex housing a museum featuring multimedia presentations, exciting exhibits and unparalleled views of the marsh. #VisitSavannah | #VisitTybee 37

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