Brokermint PDFs

Leveraging Back Office Tech to Drive a 35% Increase in Real Estate Sales

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Get a Demo Let's Modernize Your Brokerage Schedule a demo and see what BoldTrail BackOffice can do for YOUR back office. When it comes to transactions, and all the paperwork involved, it's easy to manage all the documents and signatures, from anywhere. Jennifer also recalls a time when her team was in a tricky situation trying to locate some missing transaction documents. Dreading the possibility of starting from scratch, they checked in BoldTrail BackOffice, and sure enough, the missing documents had been saved and stored, automatically. My team can simply upload their documents, and I can see them, offer feedback in real-time, and they can make changes on the fly. Checklists have been another game-changer for the team's day-to-day operations, with agents having access to the same checklists to guide the process each time, and Jennifer enjoying the flexibility of implementing policy changes immediately and universally from one place. BoldTrail BackOffice has been so intuitive for my brokers. We can rest assured all documents are tracked and stored in one place, not scattered across multiple platforms, and with the complete view of my pipeline, in one click I can see absolutely everything happening in my brokerage.

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