North Star Port

Duluth North Star Port - Winter 2024

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ANGELA BOTNER CAPTURED THE LONG EVENING SHADOWS OF EARLY WINTER IN THIS AERIAL PHOTO OF THE SUPERIOR ENTRY AND SURROUNDING COMMUNITY. S U P E R I O R A T S U N S E T A PUBLICATION OF THE D U L U T H P O R T. C O M 802 Garfield Avenue | Duluth, MN 55802 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID DULUTH, MN PERMIT NO. 492 Publishing partner: "THE VIVID BLUE OF THE LAKE, coupled with the lacy ice patterns and setting sun, made for a rich and complex composition, especially with the Bong Bridge snaking its way across the bay and the amazing visibility up the North Shore," said Angela Botner of her front-cover photo. "I didn't realize there was a ship passing through the canal until after. The flight's path continued for an interesting symmetrical view of the Superior port entry to make a lovely paired set of our beautiful ports."

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