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Q2 Employment Outlooks Q2 2024 | 6 Hiring Expectations for April through June by Country Seasonally Adjusted Net Employment Outlooks (NEO) 36% India Strongest NEO 22% Global Average NEO -2% Romania Weakest NEO U.S. 34% China 32% Costa Rica 32% The Netherlands 32% South Africa 29% Switzerland 29% Mexico 27% Guatemala 26% Singapore 24% Finland 23% U.K. 23% Belgium 22% Canada 22% India 36% Ireland 20% Australia 19% Peru 19% Brazil 18% France 18% Austria 17% Germany 17% Norway 16% Colombia 15% Hong Kong 15% Panama 15% Puerto Rico 14% Spain 14% Sweden 14% Slovakia 12% Taiwan 12% Japan 11% Poland 11% Portugal 11% Chile* 10% Hungary 9% Italy 9% Greece 6% Czech Republic 5% Argentina 1% Israel** -1% Romania -2% Türkiye 14% *Chile joined the program in Q2 2024. There is currently no historical data, and the data has not been seasonally adjusted. **Further data collection was conducted in Israel in late 2023 due to the evolving conflict. As this data was collected after the Q1 2024 had already been released, some of the global figures for Q1 2024 may vary slightly from the previous release.