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ManpowerGroup: Latin America QMR Q4 2023 | 55 Employed and Unemployed Population over Time 2023 Total Workforce Index (TWI) Artificial Intelligence ManpowerGroup: Latin America QMR Q4 2023 | 55 Source: Top Third of Countries Middle Third of Countries Bottom Third of Countries Distribution of Employment by Industry Employment Distribution Compared to 2018 Chile loyed o ulation in Thousands ne loyed Workers in Thousands and ne loy ent ate 2023 Oxford Insights Government AI Readiness Index ranked 41 st out of 193 countries. ▪ 'Guidelines for the use of artifi ial Intelligen e tools in the ubli se tor' were introdu ed January 1, 2024. ▪ Chile recently hosted other countries in Latin America for the Santiago Declaration and will head the working group to lead AI governance in Latin America. ▪ Chile is a signatory of the Bletchley Park Declaration and a member of the OECD ▪ Chile in partnership with UNESCO is implementing the Readiness Assessment Methodology to revise their AI strategy and ensure AI is deployed ethically. Global TWI Ranking (out of 64) Regional TWI Ranking (out of 20) Global Ranking 44 31 33 55 26 Regional Ranking 11 4 17 14 6 Trade ehi le e air anufa turing Constru tion Trans Storage Co s du ation Other Servi es eal state usi Ad in ealth So ial Work Agri Forestry Fishing ubli Ad inistration A o odation Food ining uarrying Finan e Insuran e tilities Trade ehi le e air anufa turing Constru tion Trans Storage Co s du ation Other Servi es eal state usi Ad in ealth So ial Work Agri Forestry Fishing ubli Ad inistration A o odation Food ining uarrying Finan e Insuran e tilities % Change vs 2018 ILOSTAT Modelled Estimate