Private Client Specific Docs

What Are Companies Doing to Survive the Supply Chain and Logistics Workforce Challenge

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2 2 The Descartes Systems Group, Inc. | | Surviving the Supply Chain and Logistics Workforce Challenge Introduction Workforce strategies changed because of the acute labor shortages that existed during the pandemic. It was originally thought that the problem would go away once economies stabilized, but research such as Descartes' study How Bad Is The Supply Chain and Logistics Workforce Challenge? shows that it has not. As a result, companies are employing new hiring and retention strategies and aggressively applying technology to offset the ongoing worker shortages. Because the workforce problem is pervasive, we wanted to find out exactly what companies are doing to address it. Descartes worked with SAPIO Research to survey 1,000 supply chain and logistics leaders in Europe and North America to better understand the strategies and tactics they were employing to improve recruitment and retention effectiveness and how they were using technology to mitigate the impact of ongoing worker shortages. Our goal for the study was to give supply chain and logistics leaders an in-depth perspective on what actions leading companies are taking to address the challenge. What are supply chain and logistics organizations doing to improve worker productivity, attract and retain employees and find alternate labor sources to mitigate workforce challenges today and in the future? Top Level Findings Below are high-level at-a-glance takeaways from the research 1 Automating non-value-added and repetitive tasks (54%) was the top strategy for improving workforce productivity Delivery route optimization (54%) and driver mobile productivity (45%) solutions were the top technology choices to mitigate the labor workforce shortage Automated real-time shipment tracking (53%) was the top technology choice to mitigate the knowledge worker shortage Working time flexibility (35%) and adopting the latest technologies (34%) were the top strategies for attracting workers On-the-job training and education compensation (35%) and higher pay (34%) were the top strategies for retaining workers

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