Private Client Specific Docs

What Are Companies Doing to Survive the Supply Chain and Logistics Workforce Challenge

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17 17 The Descartes Systems Group, Inc. | | Surviving the Supply Chain and Logistics Workforce Challenge Appendix: Respondent demographics summary Footnote: 1. The use of standard numerical rounding conventions may make the summation of some charts appear to be off by 1%. Responsibility Country of residence Total respondents: 1000 Demographics Business sector Gender & age 225 Company sectors: Manufacturing, distribution or retailer: 55% Logistics services provider: 20% Carrier: 25% Role type Size of company # of employees 20 to 49 50 to 99 100 to 499 500-999 1000-4999 5000+ % of respondents 10% 14% 26% 20% 15% 15% 150 150 150 75 75 175 11% of respondents held Owner positions 19% of respondents held C-Level Executive positions 15% of respondents held Director-level positions 56% of respondents held Manager-level positions 73% of respondents were male and 27% female 62% of respondents were between the ages of 25-44 42% of respondents are responsible for managing logistics and the supply chain 32% of respondents are heavily involved in managing logistics and the supply chain 26% of respondents are somewhat involved in managing logistics and the supply chain

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