SCORE Journal


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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PUBNOTE SCORE RACE EXPOSURE SETS NEW RECORDS The 2024 BFGoodrich Tires 56th SCORE Baja 500 is now in the history books. One stat for this race is the 66.5% finishing rate of this year's 254 starters! Considering this year's race route being one the most challenging courses, this is just another testament to the SCORE team's prep, planning and never quit mentality to get to the finish line. SCORE's goal to greatly expand the race coverage from Baja, MX has finally hit its mark with continued development of the Live Stream programming and the introduction of a new timing system that was made possible by SCORE Sponsor, Optima Batteries, to make this a reality. These items now allow SCORE officials and the Live Stream production crew to keep track of all the racers' times while on the track for real time assessments of their race positions for both operational needs and for a more concise content program that the Live Stream viewers can now enjoy for a better viewer engagement. Special thanks to the Live Stream production crew from HMG, SCORE announcers and BCII for the great show that now captured unbelievable race updates, drone footage, in-car cameras, helicopter shot integrations and communications along with SCORE social media spot integrations into this updated program. Speaking of SCORE social media, the race saw yet another exponential audience viewer growth with the outstanding content that was provided and organized by SCORE's Tony Lazano and his team. A notable milestone is that a single post generated over 1 million likes, which is first for any off-road motorsports race activity! As we now prepare for the 2024 SCORE World Desert Championship season's second half SCORE Baja 400 and Baja 1000 race activities, the 2025 race schedule and new innovative race programs, we look forward to introducing the next evolution stage for the SCORE World Desert Championship series. These activities will further enhance SCORE's legendary, Longevity and leadership role in growing the future of off-road motorsports. Enjoy the issue and see you at the races. Jim 1 1 SCORE JOURNAL VP MARKETING & SALES / PUBLISHER Jim Ryan NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Kurt Miller EDITORIAL DS Media LLC Dan Sanchez Mike Vieira Larry Saavedra Elijah Sanchez Casmer Thelian CONTRIBUTORS Stuart Bourdon Jack Wright GM SALES & DIGITAL OPERATIONS DerDiZ Media Inc. Todd Horne CREATIVE DIRECTOR DerDiZ Media Inc. Ashley Hanks Horne SCORE STAFF Gabriel Garcia, SCORE Media Operations SCORE OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER Art Eugenio COVER Get Some Photo PUBLISHED BY SCORE MARKETING LLC 465 South Meadows Parkway #6 Reno, NV 89521, 775-852-8907 Cover and contents are protected by copyright and must not be reproduced in any form or in part, without the prior written consent of the publisher. ® SCORE JOURNAL 3

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