KCM Australia

Digital Partner Letter July 2024

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been publishing the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine for more than 40 years. Receive your positive, faith-filled magazine FREE each month, subscribe today at www.freevictory.com.

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July 2 0 2 4 / P A R T N E R L E T T E R What a wonderful time of year! Picnics, families getting together—it's the Fourth of July. Freedom Day! Let's open our Bibles to Genesis 17:1: Dear Partner, toward heaven, Washington made a vow to lead our nation and honor the GOD of ISRAEL and His Covenant. After Washington invoked his oath and covenant and sealed it with, " So help me God," he bowed his knee to the ground in reverence and kissed the Bible. Afterward, Washington called the senators and newly elected officials to join him, as they walked arm-in-arm down the streets of New York City to St. Paul's Chapel. There, they bowed together and prayed. They dedicated this land, our beloved America, to God! The day that George Washington was inaugurated was the day that covenant was Invoked. AMERICA BELONGED TO GOD ALMIGHTY! So the first act of Congress was to make covenant with Almighty God. Remember now, first covenants count, so the United States is based solidly upon our covenant with the God of the universe, Creator of heaven and earth! Well, all of that is just magnificent! But the party is OVER. Matthew 24:6 says, "Wars and rumours of wars." So the most powerful nation the world has ever seen is sitting between two oceans—the Atlantic and the Pacific. President Washington designed the American flag with 13 stars for the 13 1 AND WHEN ABRAM WAS NINETY YEARS OLD AND NINE, THE LORD APPEARED TO ABRAM, AND SAID UNTO HIM, I AM THE ALMIGHTY GOD; WALK BEFORE ME, AND BE THOU PERFECT. The day was April 30, 1789. It was a day of making covenant with Almighty God for the United States of America. A proclamation was made for the sacred gathering at Federal Hall. "Come and see your president take his oath and pray that God will accept this land as His." At 9 a.m., the bells rang throughout the city. Washington took his official oath of office in New York City. He laid His hand on the Bible (and not just merely upon his Bible—he specifically opened it up and laid his hand upon the covenant God had made with Abraham in the book of Genesis.) Then, lifting his other arm upward

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