
Member Whitepaper - ZENNER Smart Control of Radiator Thermostats Whitepaper

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8 Example economic efficiency View of a large office complex BuildingLink is to be used in an exemplary office complex. The economics for deployment in this example are calculated and projected over an eight-year period. The office complex has a total area of 27,000 m2. The heating costs per year amount to approxima- tely 374,447 euros. To determine this, the primary energy demand of the building class⁽²⁾ was ap- proximated and average prices from the German Federal Statistical Office were used.⁽³⁾ There are a total of 1,400 radiators in use. A total investment of around 259,487 euros is expected for the retrofitting of the building. Based on these factors, three scenarios with dif- ferent energy savings potentials (1) were considered - a best, middle, and worst case. Depending on user behavior and building insu- lation, energy savings potentials of 31.5 percent are possible in the best case. Over an eight-year period, this corresponds to cost savings of 943,606 euros and a reduction in CO2 emissions of 1,360 tons (4) . The amortization here takes place in about 20 months. SOURCES AND BASICS (1) Energy savings potential (heat sector) for tenants through the use of smart radiator thermostats: Case Study, Institute for Technology and Management in Building Opera- tions (TMB), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). (2) Source: Study Wohnen und Sanieren, Umweltbundesamt, S.13. https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/files/medien/1410/publikationen/2019-06-03-barrierefrei- -broschuere_wohnenundsanieren.pdf (3) Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), 2023 | Status: 05.07.2023 / 14:28:21 (4) Source: Act to Standardize Energy Conservation Law for Buildings and to amend other laws, page 1789, For district heating, the average emission factor of all fuels was used, Status: 13.08.2020

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