SCORE Journal


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Daniel Tyson’s FORD F-150 Starting with a 2004 Ford Ranger Edge he drove in high school, Daniel Tyson grew up riding dirt bikes and saw plenty of trucks with wide fenders and big tires. “Out in Glamis, trucks would fly past me across the dunes and so I started turning my Ranger into one,” said Tyson. “I had a buddy of mine help me build the truck and we kept adding to it little by little.” Erik Moore of Moors Metal Works built the chassis and added an ID Designs center-mount suspension. With a wider track width, Tyson added a full-size cab so he swapped out the Ranger cab for a 1995 F-150 extended cab. A four-link rear suspension with trailing arms was added. King 2.5 coil overs and 4.0 bypass shocks in front, with King 3.0 coil overs and 4.0 bypass shocks at the rear control everything, and the truck sits on Method 17” wheels and 39-inch Toyo Open Country MT tires. Tyson also had Danny Giannini of Giannini Metal Design help with fabricating other components of the truck. McNeil Racing fiberglass front and rear fenders were added, and the factory engine was swapped out for a 418 cubic inch Chevy LS3 V8, backed with a TH400 automatic transmission. Inside PRP seats and harnesses are used, and a McNeil fiberglass dash houses all the gauges and controls. Watching Tyson take the truck out for fun, you can see why he built it. Catching big air and landing smoothly is all part of the prerunner lifestyle, one in which Tyson is fully committed to. SJ

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