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TOP LIGHTS Sylvania Off-Road Lights Up The 2024 SCORE Desert Racing Series Story by Stuart Bourdon Photography courtesy of Sylvania Off-Road SCORE International Off-Road Racing teamed up with top-shelf automotive lighting and accessory brand Sylvania Off-Road, as the Official Light Partner for 2024 the SCORE World Desert Championship. Sylvania has roots in some of the earliest days of car, truck, OE, and aftermarket lighting. The company began illuminating the automotive world more than 100 years ago as a lighting research lab and the company takes pride in its long list of patented electrical devices and equipment. Today, the company is a global industry leader with a full line of lighting products for homes, businesses, and vehicles. Sylvania Off-Road recently added a trio of new off-road-specific product lines for cars, trucks, ATVs, and motorcycles to its extensive catalog of automotive lighting. The world’s most prestigious off-road racing series and a world-class lighting manufacturer are a perfect match. Desert racing often includes night driving, and Sylvania Off-Road’s partnership with SCORE International offers the company and racers a chance to work together in the world’s harshest real-world proving ground to further develop off-road lighting technology. To learn more about Sylvania’s joint efforts with SCORE International, we talked to the Director of Marketing, Erin O’Malley. “We are excited to be involved with SCORE International as the official light partner. It allows us to reach and work with the people that these new lights were designed for. We’ve introduced three new categories of off-road lighting– the Slim series, Rugged series, and the Ultra series. “The Slim line (three-inch pods putting out 950 lumens and small light bars maxing out at 5,400 lumens) is a good choice for recreational use. The Rugged set (three and four-inch pods, and light bars as bright as 5,000 lumens) is our waterproof line and would be a good choice for hardcore off-roading. Our Ultra series is water resistant, our most heavy-duty product, and designed for all-out racing. The Sylvania Off Road Ultra series (2,360-lumen three-inch pod, and light bars up to 50 inches wide blasting 19,440 lumens) is our ultimate off-road visibility product with the brightest outputs.” Erin added, “In addition to introducing our new off-road line, we want people to know that Sylvania can cover all their vehicle’s lighting needs. We have OE replacement bulbs for almost any vehicle. Over time they lose brightness, and if you can’t remember the last time that you changed them in your car or truck, then now is the time. “Sylvania’s in-house engineering team– many of them are off-roaders– performed the initial development and design of the Sylvania Off-Road series lights.” Erin added, “We also had some of our lights on a car in the 2024 SCORE Baja 500 (Team Zombie Stock Full Size 8103), and now have the opportunity to put our off-road lights in the hands of a much broader audience to get real-world feedback. We are looking forward to building our presence in the off-road community and have been exploring future partnerships through our association with SCORE International.” SJ

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