USA Hockey

USA Hockey Parent Handbook 2025

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"These past 10 years of hockey with my son have been the best years. Wouldn't change a thing. The lessons they have learned, the ups and downs, friendships made, bonds for life, awesome family, a great way to prepare them for life!" —JANI WATROUS U S A H O C K E Y PA R E N T H A N D B O O K "You will make mistakes. You will forget the game jersey. You will tie the skates too tight or not tight enough. Their socks will fall down no matter how much tape you use. You will work up more of a sweat getting them dressed than they will out on the ice. And before you know it they won't need you at all. Love every crazy moment of it because there is nothing else like it in the world." –PAUL ALLIE DICKINSON "Air out their equipment. You have no idea how important this is but you soon will if you don't." –ADAM ROSS "As a mom of an 18U player, it goes fast. Enjoy every second of it. Hockey families are friends for a lifetime." —MICHELLE MEYER-GRANT "Buy as much used gear as you can, and don't be afraid to ask others for help. It's okay to cheer loud and introduce yourself to other parents. They might be feeling out of their element too." -STEPHANIE RATHERT OVERHEARD AT THE RINK "Let them try every position… even goalie!" -MICHELE MUSCAT MOSTEK "After each time on the ice, our first question is always, "Did you have fun?" –ANNE GAVIN

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