The Heavy-Weight in Pulvi-Mulchers Gets BIGGER.
The 3600 Series Pulvi-Mulcher from Brillion
features wider working widths, increased trash
clearance and reduced downtime in the field.
The series is available in 21', 25', 30' and 36'
working widths. The 30' model weighs 80%
more than the popular WL360 for more clod
crushing power. The 36' unit is the widest Pulvi-
Mulcher offered by Brillion.
All 3600 Series models feature 8" roller axles with
heavy-duty bearings that improve reliability and
reduce maintenance interruptions in the field.
The design includes three rows of two-piece
edge bent s-tines on overall 6" spacing. 25"
of under frame clearance improves trash flow
through the machine. A leveling harrow in
front of the rear roller helps level ridges left
by the shanks.
New to the 3631 series is the 24" Notched Ductile
Iron wheel to provide even more clod crushing
power with its heavy weight.
Brillion, WI 54110
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