Idaho Falls

November 2024

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Puppies and babies are not a combo for the faint of heart. It's an obvious fact, but one that's easy to ignore when the gorgeous eyes of a recently-found stray pop onto your social media feed. I, for one, could not stop myself from applying for our most recent puppy when his photo appeared on my feed. Over the past couple of months, our newest family member has taught us a host of lessons. Number one being if there is a moment of silence in your home, it is time to drop what you are doing to assure yourself that both baby and puppy have not eloped onto their next dangerous escapade. Our two older dachshunds have taught our new puppy and our1-year old to crawl through the dog door out into the garage. We are instantly reminded to lock the dog door if we hear baby fingers playing with the plastic flap, which comes a few moments before she will push her entire body through. Despite the chewing and nibbling, we love our newest family member and I'm frequently reminded that these are just puppy days. In a couple of months our puppy will be edging his way toward adulthood and our toddler will be finding new mischievous adventures to involve him in. And one day, she will be an adult who learned compassion and patience in her youth with the help of her furry friends. Book Recommendations Go Dog, Go! By P.D. Eastman Hot Dog By Doug Salati Can I Be Your Dog By Troy Cummings The Poky Little Puppy By Janette Sebring Lowrey If You Give a Dog a Donut By Laura Numeroff Puppy Treats for Kids Has your child ever gotten into dog food? Ours certainly has. Imaginative play can be a crazy time in our home sometimes, but we have fun encouraging our child's wild side with treats she can safely enjoy while pretending to be a puppy. Here are some fun treats for when your child has become a four-legged creature with floppy ears and a wagging tail: -Water Bowl Jell-O: Create a small water bowl for your child by using blue colored Jell-O. -Chew Sticks: Cut carrots and celery into small sticks and call them chew sticks. -Cheese and Meat Bones: Keep it simple and cut meats and cheese into the shapes of bones. -Peanut Butter Puppy Chow: In a bowl, mix 1 cup of peanut butter and 1 cup of chocolate chips, heat on the stovetop and mix, add one cup of round cereal of your choice, and finally spread out on a piece of parchment paper. When the chow is firm, top with peanuts and powdered sugar. For More Information To learn more about local animal adoption, please contact the Snake River Animal Shelter or the Idaho Falls Animal Shelter. Puppy Days By Emma Leigh KIDS CORNER 54 IDAHO FALLS MAGAZINE | NOVEMBER 2024

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