SCORE Journal - Spanish


SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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LEGENDARY TOUGHNESS. MADE TOUGHER . V I S I T B F G O O D R I C H T I R E S . C O M A L L - N E W R O B M A C C A C H R E N J O H N S O N V A L L E Y , C A 3 4 . 4 3 5 6 ° N , 1 1 6 . 6 5 1 6 ° W AV E R A G E N E V E R B R O K E A N Y R E C O R D S . The next evolution of all-terrain tires is here. The BFGoodrich ® All-Terrain T/A ® KO3 tire raises the bar in toughness and durability. Again. Designed to do it all, the KO3 tire has better wear performance than the KO2 tire, the excellent sidewall toughness you've come to expect, and is made to grip, even in the worst of conditions. Legends are written in dirt. It's time to write yours. © 2024 MNA Inc. All rights reserved.

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