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UnaBiz_Suntec City_Use Case

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2024 USE CASE Enhancing Indoor Air Quality at Suntec City Office Towers for Tenant Comfort BACKGROUND Suntec City, a landmark integrated development located in Singapore's Marina Bay Precinct, is home to five Grade A office towers, a world-class convention centre, and one of the largest shopping malls in Singapore. As part of its commitment to enhancing tenant comfort and promoting environmental sustainability, Suntec City embarked on a comprehensive refurbishment to upgrade the Air-Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV) systems and integrating an advanced Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring solution to ensure better air quality standards for its tenants. UnaBiz, was selected to support this project, working alongside D-Team Engineering and Actility to implement a large-scale, data-driven solution to help meet the sustainability goals of Suntec City's office towers. PRIORITIZING TENANT WELL-BEING AND SUSTAINABILITY "By integrating indoor IAQ monitoring with the new ACMV system, Suntec City can prioritise tenant well-being, and optimise airflow and energy consumption through data-driven ventilation. This integrated solution can help Suntec City achieve both their Social and Environmental goals." – Jonathan Tan, Managing Director SEA & Taiwan, UnaBiz SITUATION Suntec City wants to enhance air quality across all five office towers to support tenant well-being, especially in light of the heightened awareness of IAQ following the COVID-19 pandemic. They also wished to optimize and monitor the performance their upgraded ACMV system. ISSUE Suntec City's existing systems were not equipped to meet modern standards for energy efficiency or real-time IAQ monitoring. The existing infrastructure lacked a system to continuously monitor and manage indoor air quality in real time across such a large complex totaling 2.3 million square feet of office space. IAQ is a critical factor in tenant comfort, but without reliable data, it was difficult to ensure that the ACMV systems were operating optimally. SOLUTION UnaBiz, in collaboration with D-Team Engineering, Milesight, and Actility, designed and implemented a LoRaWAN â -based IoT solution to enhance IAQ monitoring and optimize the performance of Suntec City's ACMV systems: • Deployment of approximately 800 IAQ sensors: Milesight's 9-in-1 IAQ sensors were installed on all levels across 5 office towers. • Scalable and reliable network: 50 LoRaWAN gateways were deployed to enable seamless, long- range communication between the IAQ sensors and the building management system. Buildings Asia Partnership Product COMPANY CONTACT INFO UnaBiz Pte Ltd

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