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UnaBiz_NEX_Use Case

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2024 USE CASE NEX Shopping Mall Partners UnaBiz for IAQ Monitoring to Ensure Good Air Quality and Optimize Energy Consumption BACKGROUND NEX, the largest suburban mall in the northeast region of Singapore, is a seven-story shopping mall strategically located at the Northeast Line and the Circle Line Mass Rapid Transit line rail network intersect and is fully integrated with the air- conditioned Serangoon Bus Interchange. Positioned as the vibrant, social, and recreational hub for the North-East community, the shopping mall receives an average of 3 million shoppers each month within the 635,000 square foot mall daily. IAQ monitoring is also one of NEX's latest initiatives to improve "Health and Well-Being", the 3rd goal under the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. LEVERAGING IOT FOR DATA INTEGRATION Sensing and capturing data via IoT allows NEX to digitize information for better collection and control. The IAQ data is then seamlessly integrated into NEX's local building management system (BMS) managed by Honeywell, linked to Honeywell's Forge Platform Dashboard, a new sub-system developed by Honeywell, in the form of widget to give a summary on the health status inside the mall. Notably, this is the first project in Singapore with this retrofit. Highly scalable, UnaBiz sees the potential for this new development to pave the way for more of such similar sub-systems to be developed by other BMS providers. SITUATION NEX wants to implement a data-driven HVAC system to ensure good air quality for shoppers and tenants wellness, while having a high energy-efficiency system to help optimize energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions. SOLUTION UnaBiz deployed Milesight's LoRaWAN รข Certified IAQ sensors to feed data to Honeywell's software programmed to optimize the PAHU to vary the Variable Speed Drive (VSD) device to pump more fresh air to the troubled zone(s). The smart control system automatically adjusts NEX's air- conditioning to optimize thermal comfort for users, the IAQ, and the energy consumption of the ACMV system in real- time. Honeywell's BMS system was programed to take immediate actions to improve air circulation, such as increasing the airflow within the mall, as traffic in the mall increases during peak hours. On the other hand, during off- peak periods, they can lower the air flow to conserve energy and optimize its HVAC system. Buildings Asia Partnership Product COMPANY CONTACT INFO UnaBiz Pte Ltd ISSUE Lack of data for monitoring, tracking, and optimization of IAQ for tenant well-being as well as to enhance energy efficiency. In addition, most buildings in Singapore face similar challenges as NEX where integration of new technologies to the local BMS is tedious and time consuming. In extreme cases, some buildings do not even have a local BMS.

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