

Monthly newspaper and online publication targeting 18 to 35 year olds. The ultimate guide to the hottest parties, going out and having fun. Music, fashion, film, travel, festivals, technology, comedy, and parties! London, Barcelona, Miami and Ibiza.

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Student Section 46 Issue 55 / 2013 The Game of Thrones Top 4 things a Fresher should know PARTY HARD IF THAT'S YOUR THING 1. Drinking Game We all know that Game of Thrones has taken over everyone's lives recently, so here's a quick drinking game we made up. Grab the box sex, some mixer and a bottle of vodka, and your night's sorted. But if you don't see yourself as a party animal then that's OK as well. Some people love Fresher's week and their first year because of the intense partying, but while it's important to have fun, never force yourself to stay up until 4am just for the sake of it - you'll end up bored and tired. CONCENTRATE ON MAKING REAL FRIENDS 2. Make friends who last and who have stuff in common with you – not the just people who you reckon are the "cool" group, or the people who are only good for knowing where the best parties are at. By Christmas, you will get bored of them, and then you won't have any friends left to turn to 1. Drink when someone gets naked 2. Drink whenever Sansa annoys you MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR UNIVERSITY 3. 3. If Jon Snow pouts, drink. Assuming you are studying your subject because it interests you, milk the fact that there is not as much work in your first year. Use your free time to read about what interests you about your course, because your second and third years will be full of deadlines and stress. You should also make time for at least two activities outside your course universities are the best place for this, and it is also a great way to discover new passions and meet new people (cliché but so true!). If you don't enjoy something at first, give it a chance and then move onto something else rather than giving up completely. 4. Finish your drink when Dany mentions her dragons. 5. Pour your drink over your head when Joffrey is nice to someone Go to to get your student fix! HOT JOBS LEARN HOW MUCH ALCOHOL YOU CAN TAKE 4. Everybody is different, and people can get different levels of drunk before throwing up, passing out and getting stuff drawn on their face. Aside from risking your health and safety, friends are merciless when uploading embarrassing drunken photos of you onto the internet. If you want to save yourself from that and from having to skip classes due to a monster hangover, learn which drinks you can handle, what you can mix and what your limit is before you go from "Merry" to "Messy". StudentJob is one of the biggest online student job portals in Europe. We offer tons of fun and exciting opportunities for students ranging from part-time, full-time, internships and graduate jobs. Here we have provided you with a list of the biggest and best student jobs around. . MYSTERY SHOPPERS If you are a student on a tight budget, this job is perfect for you! At the moment, Market force are looking for student mystery shoppers to visit bars, hotels, restaurants, shops and more. You get paid to go shopping, eating out or even going for a drink with your friends. But it gets better. Work is flexible and well paid, so, if you want to earn some extra money and have a little free time, you should definitely check this vacancy out. . BAR STAFF/ WAITRESSING Whether it be bars, restaurants or pubs, these places are always looking for new, lively and vibrant people to serve. If you're studying in a student populated city, chances are employers are also looking for student bar staff and waitresses. At StudentJob, we have loads of these opportunities across the UK and they fit in perfectly with student life. SUMMER CAMPS . GRADUATE JOBS Graduate jobs are a great way to ease into the working environment. You have the chance to put your knowledge into practice and make a lasting impression. Dixons, one of the world's largest specialist electrical and computing retailers are looking to add to their e-commerce marketing department. If your fun, vibrant and hard-working, you may just secure yourself a permanent job after you complete the scheme. . FESTIVAL WORK Get "PAID TO PARTY". Festival work is the definition of "FUN MONEY". We offer tons of festival jobs and usually have more to offer during the summer period. The best thing about festivals is that the work is really flexible and pretty well-paid which will help to fill up your pockets when times get tough. Jobs for students range from, catering, retail, stewarding and security. Summer camps offer you the opportunity to do something different and constructive during your summer holiday. Instead of lying around the house all day, why not see the world and have fun doing it? There are a range of summer camp roles across a host of activities, such as, sports, arts and adventure camps. Choose which ever tickles you fancy! At StudentJob we have heaps of opportunities for students across a wide spread of industries. Check us out today at . Today could be the day that you find your perfect job! For more information please contact Leon Drito at:

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