Blue and Gold Illustrated

Nov. 11, 2013 Issue

Blue & Gold Illustrated: America's Foremost Authority on Notre Dame Football

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fan forum From The WebSite (Sports Illustrated) released an exclusive interview with former Notre Dame quarterback Everett Golson, who plans to re-enroll this January for the spring semester, the week before the Navy game, with videotape of some of his workouts. Here were a few of the dozens of initial reactions on NotreDomerMB: More mature, bigger, looks a lot older too. Excited for him to be back. GIGA: Glad to see he's working hard in all areas and put this in the past, but you can put me in the "Stop Doing Interviews" camp. Actions speak louder. Hemy: There is literally nothing more we can do as Notre Dame fans than to pray for Everett's future success as a person, a young man and a football player and to support him in conversations with other alumni, in the stadium and on this message board. Gulinias: Take care of the classroom and it will all work out. I am not happy about what happened, but if he follows through, proud to call the young man Irish. NDFan76: George Whitfield has him throwing with the laces. I thought this was going to happen. Thatdude16: I liked the part where he was doing drills throwing the ball to receivers blindfolded. PLACT: 1 year after he returns: people say "cheater." 2 years after he returns: people say "a fighter." 3 years after he returns: people say "humble, a winner, and we all make mis- Former and presumably future Irish quarterback Everett Golson spoke takes." with Sports Illustrated last week in his first interview since the beginAnything after that belongs ning of the 2013 season. photo by bill panzica to history.

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