Peer to Peer

September 2009

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the quarterly magazine of ILTA 17 Peer to Peer For over 33 years, Omega has been providing mid-to-large size law firms fully integrated and completely customizable Financial and Practice Management systems. • Time & Billing • e-billing • Accounting • Collections • Financial Reporting Call Omega today at 1-800-356-1339 to learn how to get the revolutionary tools you need to enhance firm productivity and profitability. Do the spreadsheets you present to your partners initiate action to improve collections and increase profits? Now more than ever it's crucial to frequently evaluate financials and initiate corrective action to ensure receivables don't get out of hand. With the right Financial and Practice Management solution, your firm can boost efficiency, manage cash flow, improve collections, and streamline workflow - all ultimately increase profits. A) 24-month WIP & A/R trends B) Clients with the most outstanding A/R C) Attorneys with the greatest A/R Real-time actionable financial information is only a few clicks away with Omega Legal's Visual Xpress TM tool! • Case Management • Calendar/Docket • Conflict of Interest • Imaging A B C Do the spreadsheets you present to your partners initiate action to improve collections and increase profits?

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