Peer to Peer

September 2009

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Page 26 of 91

the quarterly magazine of ILTA 27 Peer to Peer features PAGE 36 everyone's Invited by Kristin Linoski Use a concise project management approach to create a professional development program where you work. Find out how to build the team to get the program moving. PAGE 41 Foolproof Hiring: Fact or Fiction? by Scott Christensen Supervisors need not only the right kind of questions to ask job candidates, they also need time to form "snapshots" of applicants to hire the best person for the job. PAGE 46 From Trainer to Performance Consultant by Charlene LeMaire For training to add value to your firm, learning must be tied to business processes and workflow of individuals and teams. PAGE 51 Sailing your Own Ship by Amy Zangerle Gain confidence in your skills, abilities and value with an outsider's objective viewpoint. A professional coach can help you be the captain of your own ship. PAGE 55 The Online Learning Movement for Attorneys by Lee Ann enquist Trainers and professional development managers have to offer learners what they want and how they want it, all while minimizing hassles and time commitments. PAGE 28 Pleading the Case for Working Together by Amy Hancock and Marti Phillips Attorneys and clients benefit when IT and professional development leaders work together. Learn how the two can combine their expertise to enhance training and their own positions within their firm. Collaboration is the key!

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