Peer to Peer

September 2009

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Page 59 of 91 60 Peer to Peer mEmBER RESOURCES Career Center e-Group ILTA is pleased to offer this forum for the exchange of information regarding career opportunities. Membership in ILTA is not required to subscribe, though an individual must have (create) an account from this site. This career center is the ideal spot to inquire about job opportunities, post resumes, etc. If you're an employer with a temporary or part- time position to fill, this is the ideal spot for that. This e-group will be moderated to prevent spam or other types of content outside the scope of the e-group. With a valid login, you can subscribe to the Career Center from Please pass this information to those in search of a job who are outside of the membership ranks. ILTA Associate Participant Program In this tough economy, ILTA recognizes that our peers are faced with difficult challenges. Layoffs are all too common. We want you to continue to experience the benefits of education and peer-connectivity you enjoyed when employed by the member firm. Our Associate Participant Program offers you the opportunity to retain your benefits. We are waiving the Associate Participant fee until further notice. To qualify, you must have been employed by a member entity and left their employment within 90 days of applying for the associate status. Your associate status is retained as long as you are seeking employment within the legal profession. The language from our bylaws that describe this offering are: 3.9 Associate Participation. Any individual who has been employed by a Member Entity and whose employment with the Member Entity has been terminated may elect to become an Associate Participant within a period of ninety (90) days following his or her termination of employment by the Member Entity as follows: (a) Qualifications. No individual may be an Associate Participant if he or she is employed by a business whose primary function as a business is to sell or provide legal automation or technology services or products. It is understood that individuals may be self-employed as contractors; and those individuals can retain their Associate Participant status as long as they do not actively market their services to Member Entities. (b) Duration. Upon payment of dues, an individual's Associate Participant status commences and remains in good standing for a period of twelve (12) months, renewable annually, as long as qualifications for Associate Participation are met. (c) Privileges. An Associate Participant shall have no voting rights but shall be entitled to participate in all activities sponsored by the Corporation in which employees of Member Entities are entitled to participate. An Associate Participant cannot seek election to or be appointed to an officer position. If the Associate Participant status becomes effective while the individual is serving as a Regional Vice President, a Peer Group Vice President or a Conference Vice President, either by appointment or election, the Associate Participant may fulfill, at the Board's discretion, the term of office as long as all qualifications for participation are met. An Associate Participant may not be appointed to or run for election for subsequent terms of service. (d) Dues and Fees. Each Associate Participant shall pay, within the time and on the conditions set by the Board of Directors, dues and fees to be fixed from time to time by an affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors. The regular dues and fees shall be equal among all Associate Participants, but need not be equal to Member Entities. (e) Expulsion. Associate Participants may be expelled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors. In the event of such expulsion, the Board of Directors shall so notify the Associate Participant of such expulsion. for more information and to obtain an application, contact Grace Palma at ilta supports you in any way possible as you weather the current economic storm. below are several resources that can help you retain the peer-connectivity that you enjoyed when employed by a member firm and can assist as you seek a position in the legal profession. Please let us hear from you regarding ideas for helping you during these tough times. contact Randi Mayes at extension of Benefits

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