Peer to Peer

September 2009

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the quarterly magazine of ILTA 73 Peer to Peer Free End User Training Copyright © 2009 iCONECT Development, LLC. All rights reserved. iCONECT is a registered trademark of iCONECT Development, LLC. All brand names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respec ve companies. Booth 204 at ILTA iCONECT is your reliable choice with over 980 cases and 10 billion pages hosted worldwide, and over 50 interna onal hos ng service providers. Key features include support for Chinese, Russian, Arabic and over 250 other languages as well as Concept Searching, Clustering, TIFF-on-the-Fly, and E-Mail Review Tools. Store and manipulate your document data in SQL Server while your users take advantage of the award winning iCONECTnXT document review and collabora on interface. With our Microso SQL Server Connector, you can reduce costs and op mize data workflow by leveraging your exis ng SQL Server staff, technology and custom programming to manage, edit, and import data from other applica ons. Users get full iCONECTnXT features in a true web interface (without Ac veX controls) for easy access from inside or outside their office, as the data sits in your SQL Server system. From secure login and built-in calendaring to EDRM-XML compa bility and flexible user licensing, iCONECT is con nually commi ed to mee ng the future demands of li ga on professionals worldwide. "With the growing trend toward in-house legal being responsible for managing their own e-discovery, iCONECTnXT becomes the review tool of choice." – Raytheon Company N�� B��� F������ Trusted by 83 Am Law 100 firms to host, organize, review, and analyze e-discovery in a streamlined end-to-end workflow. Add iCONECTnXT Worldwide Collaboration to Your Existing SQL Server Infrastructure

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