Peer to Peer

September 2009

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Page 75 of 91 76 Peer to Peer inside ilTA Miss one of our popular webinars? We offer PowerPoint presentations and LiveMeeting recordings of all our webinars, which you can access from our website. Just go to the Archives area from the main navigation bar to find content for viewing or downloading: ILTA SOCIAL NeTwORKING: TwITTeR & FACeBOOK & BLOGS Join Jenn Steele, one of ILTA's tweeple (people who tweet), as she walks through how to set up an account in Twitter and Facebook and how to get value out of these social networking tools. uPDATeS TO exCHANGe SeRVeR 2010 Hosted by Norm Thomas, Microsoft's Industry Market Development Director for the Legal Industry and presented by Bob Hunt, Microsoft's New York-based Exchange Technology Professional, this event provides important information on the changes made to the upcoming Exchange Server 2010. wHeRe IS KM NOw AND wHeRe IS IT GOING? Listen in on a moderated discussion on the current state of knowledge management and its possible future direction in the context of the global economic crisis. THe POweR OF PeRSuASION IN IT TRAINING This session is based on the research of Robert B. Cialdini, a noted social psychologist. His book "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" is the result of years of study into the reasons that people comply with requests in business and other settings. THe ROLe OF BuSINeSS ANALySIS IN LAw FIRMS The role of project manager continues to become more common in the legal profession — whether through dedicated PMs or those who incorporate that function into their responsibilities. Can a deeper understanding of formal business analysis increase your firm's success ratio on project and initiatives? What are some of the tools and deliverables of formal business analysis? Popular webinars Now Available

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